West End Memberships

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If you believe you are eligible for a corporate or any other type of discount, please sign up at your local branch.

NameJoining FeeRecurring
*Non-Member - West End Only
*Does not include facility access or member programs or pricing.
$ 0.00 FREE
Adult (24-64) - Association
Access to both branches, classes at both, and member program pricing at both.
$ 50.00 $ 50.00 / monthly
Adult (24-64) - West End Only
Access to Only the Negaunee branch
$ 35.00 $ 37.00 / monthly
Family - West End Only
A family is defined as one or two financially dependent adults residing in the same household and their dependent children under 18 years of age. Includes access only to the Negaunee branch.
$ 35.00 $ 57.00 / monthly
Senior (65+) - West End Only
Includes access to the West End branch only
$ 35.00 $ 35.00 / monthly
Young Adult (18-23) - Association
Access to both branches, classes at both, and member program pricing at both.
$ 45.00 $ 35.00 / monthly
Young Adult (18-23) - West End Only
Access to the West End branch only
$ 30.00 $ 30.00 / monthly
Youth (0-17) - Association
Youth 0-17 years in age, a high school senior can remain on a youth membership until completion of high school. Access to both branches, classes at both, and member program pricing at both.
$ 0.00 $ 25.00 / monthly
Youth (0-17) - West End Only
Youth 0-17 years in age, a high school senior can remain on a youth membership until completion of high school. Access to the West End branch only
$ 0.00 $ 20.00 / monthly